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- All Programs
- Christians and the Law
- Church/State Issues
- Church/State Records
- Foundations
- T9942 Bible Scholar Defects - A prominent Bible scholar points out the defects in modern translations.
- T9836A Christian Patriotism (1/4) - A reading of the book, Christian Patriotism, by Alonzo T. Jones. 1/4
- T9836B Christian Patriotism (2/4) - A reading of the book, Christian Patriotism, by Alonzo T. Jones. 2/4
- T9836C Christian Patriotism (3/4) - A reading of the book, Christian Patriotism, by Alonzo T. Jones. 3/4
- T9836D Christian Patriotism (4/4) - A reading of the book, Christian Patriotism, by Alonzo T. Jones. 4/4
- T9840D/T9842 Dual Citizenship - Apostle Paul claimed Roman Citizenship. Should we do the same?
- T9845E Easy Believism
- T9844E Foundations
- T9803 Introduction to Kingdom of Heaven - Pastor Revere tells the Story of the beginnings of the Embassy of Heaven.
- T941117 Introduction to Higher Authorities
- T9851D Is Christmas Christian? - What is the true meaning of Christmas? Where did the Christmas customs originate?
- T9943 Is My Bible Copyrighted? - The Author of the Bible is God. And therefore: If anyone has a copyright on the Bible, it is God.
- TB031102 Kingdom of Heaven is Here - Pastor Paul Revere is interviewed by John Anderson of "Voice of Reason." Scriptural support that the Kingdom of Heaven is on earth now.
- TB031020 Kingdom of Heaven Unlocked - Pastor Paul Revere is interviewed by John Anderson of "Voice of Reason." The Kingdom is unlocked so that we can live in His Government.
- TB040129 Kingdom of Heaven Promo - Pastor Paul Revere is interviewed by John Anderson of "Voice of Reason." This is a promotion of the new book, "Kingdom of Heaven Unlocked."
- T9844A/T9845 Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ
- T9847D Meaning of Thanksgiving
- T9807 Nature of Kingdom of Heaven - Examining the characteristics of the Kingdom of Heaven.
- T9830 Nature of Statism - We've heard of Protestantism, and Catholicism - but what is Statism?
- T9938 New Speak
- T9937 Only Nothing Will Do - What do you think God's favorite number is? It happens to be zero. Jesus wants you zeroed out.
- T9806 Our Founding Fathers - Our Founding fathers met at the Last Supper.
- T9823 Pay Taxes to Who? - Is it lawful to pay tribute to Caesar or not?
- T9839A/T9901 Romans 13 - Find out who the "higher powers" mentioned in Romans 13 really are.
- TB040614 Romans 13 Unlocked - Pastor Paul Revere is interviewed by John Anderson of "Voice of Reason." Romans 13 is unlocked so that we can live in His Government.
- T9944 The Bible Quiz - Take this quiz. Has the New International Version (NIV) distorted or omitted the Word of God?
- T9810 The Difference (between Heaven and world) - In the Kingdom of Heaven our clothing isn't different, our food isn't different, our foundation is different.
- T9931 The Kingdom is Here! - Jesus set up His Kingdom on earth and it is recorded in the Bible.
- T9822 Where's the Silver Gone? - The story of the "Island of Red Paper" explains the money issue to people of all ages.
- T9837E World vs Christ
- Health
- Inner Life
- Is U.S.A. Christian?
- Jail/Courts
- Kingdom Living
Kingdom Living
- T9840E All Things In Common
- T9843A Asking Permission - Does God need to ask permission from Caesar, or does Caesar need to ask permission from God?
- T9918 Be Ye Separate - The Bible says to come out of the world - but how?
- T9844B Coming Out - Rex Freeman
- T9913 Cults
- T9901E/T9902 Economic Decisions
- T9903D Digging Your Own Pit
- T9831A Give It All Up! - The Christian walk is not just, "I don't smoke and I don't chew, and I don't go with girls that do."
- T9848 Great Expectations
- T9925 Freedom breeds Oppression
- T9824 How Shall We Labor? - There are giants in the land, and Christians cannot be employed without being marked (numbered), by them.
- T9851B Hydro Power
- T9844D Jesus Taught Commerce - Christians are in commerce, but they don't serve money. They serve Jesus. And that makes all the difference.
- T9848A Job Descriptions
- T9850B Kingdom Confusion
- T9839E Living Without Money
- T9834B Memories - Fall 1985 - The Embassy of Heaven was formally established in 1987 - but 1985 was when things first started cooking.
- T9832B More Than Love - People have criticized us for preaching that we are to come out of the world. They say we should preach more on loving one another.
- T9838E Owe No Man Anything
- T9844C Search for Agreement
- T9848B/T9849 The Job of a Christian - Is the job of a Christian to obtain a social security number and work at a job set up by the world?
- T9843B Throwing Off Oppression - David Justice shares his method of using the Declaration of Independence to throw off government oppression.
- T9851C Wasted for Christ
- T9851A Water Works
- T9830D What Will We Do In K.O.H.? - The King has already been elected. God elected Jesus Christ to be our King and all we can do is accept Him or reject Him.
- T9825 Where are you Going? - Don't let the distractions of life get your eyes off of Christ.
- T9831C Where Do I Work? - Instead of getting a license to work from the city authorities, let's get it from God.
- T9840A Where is the Agreement?
- T9846A Where's Your Focus?
- T9831 Which Road Will You Travel? - The adversary put a fork in the road to get us off the strait and narrow path. All roads, except One, lead to destruction.
- T9830E/T9940 Whom Do We Obey? - Who are the higher powers spoken of in Romans 13 and who are the lower powers?
- T9831B Your Personal Ministry - Interview with Glen Stoll, who offers tips on setting up your own personal ministry.
- Marriage/Family
- New or Old Covenant
- "Nut Case" Series
- Passports/Licenses
- Persecution
- Radio Shorts
- Tactics of the Enemy
- Y2K Preparedness
T9933 Attorneys - God's Enemy